Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

CNBlue Rehearsal for BlueStorm

짠 !! 저희는 이제 리허설이 끝났습니다 !! 여러분들 모두 콘서트 오실 준비 단단히 하고 계시죠 ? 내일은 날씨가 더 추워진다고 하니까 따뜻하게 입고 ! 즐길 준비 단단히 하고 오세요 !!^^


Voila!! We have finished our rehearsal!! Everyone are you ready to come to our concert? The weather tomorrow is going to be colder, so please dress warmly! Come and get ready to enjoy it!! ^^

* * *

Earlier on, another photo was uploaded on CNBLUE’s Official Facebook.

CNBLUE members are rehearsing for their encore concert in Seoul, BLUE STORM. They’re practicing hard to show you good looks!!
We prepared this concert more than the previous one, so please look forward to it, and come and enjoy the concert together on December 10th and 11th. Thank you!

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